The Virtual Communication Kit (VCK) is a customizable package with the assets each organization needs for effective virtual communication. The kit was designed to fix common communication problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through effective emails, visuals, videos, and virtual event support. Staying focused and productive is difficult enough during times of crisis and change. Impact’s VCK is a simple solution to keep in touch, stay on track and build trust through enhanced communication.
Leaders need to provide timely responses and trustworthy messaging. Impact will help you stay ahead and find the right words for your situation.
It all starts with a conversation. Impact will customize a Virtual Communication Kit to meet your specific needs.
Sign up for a free consultation to learn more!
The VCK Solves Problems
Your employees are anxious about the state of the company and need to know what the future holds. Your partners and suppliers expect updates about your circumstances and plans. Your loyal customers are wondering about your operating status, while you want to reach new prospects. Beyond your business and the current state of the pandemic, there are also the sensitive topics of race and mental health to address.
Which VCK works for me?
Impact offers three VCK packages:
1. Words that Work, a starter kit consisting of ready-to-send written content. Use the right words in letters and emails to your customers, partners, and employees.
2. Images that Enhance, a deluxe kit that includes written letters as well as light visual support. Make your emails, social media channels, and website landing pages tell your story with elevated language and updated graphics.
3. Events that Impress, a premium kit with written materials, advanced visual and video support, and digital event support.